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Celebrate National Clean Out Your Computer Day!
February 9
Celebrate National Clean Out Your Computer Day!
While You Give Your PC a Little TLC, Consider These Other Tech Suggestions
The second Monday in February is not just any old day. It’s National Clean Out Your Computer Day! And, while there are plenty of articles out there with smart suggestions on how to pamper your computer today, we thought we’d offer our IT gurus a few additional reminders of our own.
Are you comfortable with the anti-virus and malware protections you’ve put into place? Making sure this software is current and working properly is tantamount to avoiding a crisis.
Do you have a disaster recovery plan in place? It seems so simple, but in the blink of an eye all of your critical data could be gone. Fire, water damage, theft. There are a broad range of options for small-to-large operations to implement to ensure data security. If it’s not already there, add Security to your long To Do list.
Simple hardware maintenance steps will certainly extend the lifespan of your PC and other technology. We are amazed at how much life some of our clients can get out of their equipment! But, accepting that your hardware won’t last forever, and putting a plan into place to refresh that hardware can make life much easier. Furthermore, planning your technology refresh cycles allows you to budget for changes instead of scrambling to find emergency money in an already tight budget.
If you find, in your planning, that you are still running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, we can help you move your technology refresh plans to the front of your priority list.
As you look at ways to maximize the life of your of hardware, it’s the perfect time to consider what to do with old equipment or equipment that needs to be replaced with newer, faster, better models. Perhaps this Clean Up Day has you looking at the stockpile of old equipment and cleaning that up as well!
An asset disposition program, like ours, gives you various options to dispose of your hardware safely and effectively while getting some value for the assets as well.
No matter which direction you take as you celebrate today, staying proactive when it comes to your computer hardware will keep you step ahead and hopefully lessen your load.
Want to just pamper to PC today? Read Inc.’s 7 Smart Things to Do on Clean Out Your Computer Day