Elarasys Worldwide

The roots of Elarasys Worldwide LLC trace back to the 1990s. Founded initially as Midwest Technology and Leasing, Inc. (MTLI), the business plan was to resell pre-owned IBM computer systems along with printers and other accessories. The business experienced steady growth and a realization that the name was somewhat restrictive. Shortly after a move from Schaumburg to Elgin in the early 2000s, the company changed its name to Elarasys, Inc.

Resale of printers ended, while the markets for Cisco and Sun previously-owned products heated up. The company added knowledgeable brokers to manage each product line, along with qualified technical associates who configure and test each part and system sold by Elarasys.

In December 2008, Steve McCarthy and Tom Hansen purchased Elarasys, Inc., and renamed the business Elarasys Worldwide LLC. McCarthy and Hansen bring years of business experience as well as computer experience to the business.

Our team is focused on meeting the needs of customers – both corporate data centers across the country, as well as other brokers located in the U.S. and around the world. We are dedicated to providing quality computer hardware at exceptional savings. The product lines currently inventoried include: IBM, Cisco, Sun, HP and Dell, while our resources enable us to quickly acquire the computer equipment needed.


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