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IBM System x3250 M2 4190 - C 440 2 GHz
IBM System x3250 M2 4190 - Server - rack-mountable - 1U - 1-way - 1 x C 440 / 2 GHz - RAM 1 GB - SATA - simple-swap 3.5" - no HDD - CD-RW / DVD - ATI ES1000 - Gigabit Ethernet - Monitor : none
The IBM System x3250 M2 is a 1 U, single-socket server with power consumption, noise reduction and space optimizations that make it perfect for any business looking for a reliable, compact workgroup or departmental server that consumes low power, can be dedicated to a single application and is priced right for your budget-now and in the future.Designed for infrastructure applications like firewall, security, disaster recovery, name server, authentication, credit card processing, e-mail, domain controller and more, the x3250 M2 leverages the latest processor technology, making it ideal for large enterprise specialized applications, SMB infrastructure workloads, branch office general purpose applications and OEM appliance solutions.An excellent appliance box, the x3250 M2 fits into about the same area as many Ethernet switches, enabling more efficient use of existing data center space. Quiet fans won't disturb your office environment. And since it plugs into a 110-volt outlet, you can deploy it anywhere.