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Cisco DWDM C-OADM - multiplexor
Model: 15454E-AD-1C-40.5=
Cisco DWDM C-OADM - Multiplexor - plug-in module
The 1-Channel OADM (AD-1C-xx.x) card passively adds or drops one of the 32 channels utilized within the 100-GHz-spacing of the DWDM card system. You can find the status of the card port using the LCD screen on the ONS 15454 SDH fan-tray assembly. Use the LCD to view the status of any port or card slot; the screen displays the number and severity of alarms for a given port or slot. The AD-1C-xx.x has six LC-PC-II optical ports: two for add/drop channel client input and output, two for express channel input and output, and two for communication.This card is compatible with SDH/ETSI system.