Cisco CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine Express 2.11 - network management device

Model: CWWLSE-1030-K9

Cisco CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine Express 2.11 - Network management device - Ethernet, Fast Ethernet - rack-mountable

CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine Express (WLSE Express) is a centralized management console for managing the entire Cisco Aironet wireless LAN (WLAN) infrastructure. CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) and CiscoWorks WLSE Express both provide comprehensive air/radio frequency (RF) and device management capabilities in ways that simplify deployment, reduce operational complexity, and provide administrators visibility into the WLAN. By automating several RF and device management tasks, CiscoWorks WLSE Express reduces the costs and time needed for WLAN deployment, management, and security. CiscoWorks WLSE Express offers an integrated/embedded security authentication server (AAA) making it an ideal solution for small to medium-businesses and enterprise branch deployments that require localized security authentication services and management functions.

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