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Cisco Cache Engine 505 - proxy server
Cisco Cache Engine 505 - Proxy server - 2 ports - Ethernet, Fast Ethernet - refurbished - external
Cisco's next-generation Cache Engine 500 series solutions enable ISPs and enterprises to reduce WAN bandwidth usage, accelerate network performance, and increase network scalability. The Cisco network caching solution is architected and optimized to work as a single caching system, combining: Cache-aware internetworking equipment running Cisco IOS software's industry-leading Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP) and Network-integrated Cache Engine 500 series products that are managed and designed like networking products and adapt to the network.Utilizing the intelligence of the network, the Cisco Cache Engine 500 series solutions localize traffic patterns by transparently caching frequently accessed content and then locally fulfilling successive requests for the same content. Because they are integrated into the network infrastructure, they have a low cost of ownership, enabling ISPs and enterprises to cost-effectively deploy the Cisco network caching solution on a wide-scale basis and gain the benefits of caching throughout their network.