Cisco 3662 VPN Bundle - router

Model: C3662-2FE/VPN/K8

Cisco 3662 VPN Bundle - Router - Ethernet, ATM, ISDN, Fast Ethernet, Frame Relay - Cisco IOS 12.0 - rack-mountable

VPNs can help companies reap benefits such as dramatically lowered WAN costs, improved global connectivity, and better reliability, while enabling capabilities such as secure extranet communications. Remote dial, Internet, intranet, and extranet access can all be consolidated over a single WAN connection to the Internet. To provide customers with an easy-to-order solution that meets their VPN networking needs, the Cisco VPN Router bundles based on the award-winning Cisco 2600 and 3600 modular multiservice router platforms are available. These VPN bundles enable customers to order, using one part number, a Cisco VPN Router with all the necessary VPN components at a reduced price compared to ordering each component separately. Each VPN Bundle can also include additional WAN modules ordered with it. While the VPN Bundles are available in both a 56DES and 3DES versions, all 56DES bundles can be easily updated to a 3DES license if desired in the future.

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