Cisco 32-Channel High-Density Packet Voice/Fax DSP Module - voice DSP module

Model: PVDM2-32-RF

Cisco 32-Channel High-Density Packet Voice/Fax DSP Module - Voice DSP module - refurbished

The High-Density Packet Voice digital signal processor (DSP) Module (PVDM2) enables Cisco Systems Integrated Services Routers to provide high-density voice connectivity, conferencing, and transcoding capabilities in Cisco IP Communications solutions. The maximized support of uncompressed G.711 voice calls optimizes the DSP utilization for the solutions, mainly based on G.711 codecs such as IP telephony, in a LAN where the bandwidth that uncompressed calls consume is not a concern. PVDM2 performs compression, voice activity detection, jitter management, and echo cancellation functions to improve voice quality. The echo cancellation offered in PVDM2 has 64milliseconds tail length and is International Telecommunication Union (ITU)-T G.168 compliant. PVDM2 will be used across a series of Cisco Integrated Services Routers and high-density voice network modules. This allows users to distribute or reuse DSP resources among the routers or network modules as needed. The field-upgradable capability enables users to easily scale their voice deployment. In addition, each DSP on the PVDM2 provides four times the processing power and higher memory than that on the existing PVDM. The high performance of PVDM2 supports future growth.

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