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Brocade iSCSI Gateway storage controller - 2Gb Fibre Channel - iSCSI
Brocade iSCSI Gateway - Storage controller - 2Gb Fibre Channel - 135 MBps - iSCSI
The Brocade iSCSI Gateway enables cost-effective, easy-to-manage server connectivity to Fiber Channel storage devices-enabling remote user and interdepartmental access to these valuable resources. As a result, even the lowest-cost servers can connect to existing SANs.By extending the benefits of networked storage to IP-connected servers, the Brocade iSCSI Gateway helps organizations grow and consolidate their current Fiber Channel SAN infrastructures in a simple and cost-effective manner, thereby reducing operational costs.Organizations can easily manage one or more Brocade iSCSI Gateways through a browser-based GUI that can also monitor traffic statistics on each storage and network interface to help ensure high performance.