ATM cell processing module

Model: AIM-ATM

Cisco - Network adapter - ATM - T-1/E-1

The high-performance AIM-ATM enables voice and data traffic to be carried over ATM networks using AAL2 and AAL5 encapsulation, when installed in Cisco router. It is used in conjunction with a T1/E1 voice/WAN interface card (VWIC-MFT) for circuit-mode data and frame-mode data over ATM infrastructures, supporting up to four T1/E1 WAN interfaces. When using the voice digital signal processor (DSP) capability of a digital T1/E1 packet voice trunk network module (NM-HDV) and a T1/E1 multiflex VWIC, it supports as many as 60 channels of compressed voice over a T1/E1 trunk using AAL2 or AAL5. In addition, Analog voice over ATM is enabled with a voice/fax network module (NM-1V or NM-2V) and a two-port voice interface card (VIC), which supports as many as four analog voice calls using AAL5.

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