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Alpine 3804 - switch
Alpine 3804 - Switch - 6U - rack-mountable
The Alpine 3808 and 3804 chassis switches provide a simpler, more resilient broadband infrastructure for metro and regional area networks, service provider data centers, multi-tenant buildings and enterprise wiring closets. Both switches use an interchangeable set of power supplies, switch modules and management modules. Each switch has its own hot-swappable fan tray, which installs vertically into the front of each chassis. The Alpine 3808 has nine slots and the Alpine 3804 has five slots. Optionally, fully redundant power supplies fit into the front of the Alpine 3808 and into the rear of the Alpine 3804. The first slot of both chassis is used for the Switch Management Module (SMMi), which performs all management functions, manages the switch forwarding database and routing tables, and processes all route protocol updates. The remaining eight and four slots of the Alpine 3808 and 3804 are used for switch modules.