6 Port OC3/STS3c/STM1c POS Line Card, single mode

Model: ESR-6OC3/P-SMI=

Cisco Line Card - Network adapter - Frame Relay, SONET/SDH, PPP - fiber optic - 6 ports - OC-3c - spare

The Cisco 10000 Series six-port OC-3c/STM-1 Packet-over-SONET/SDH (PoS) Interface Module, combined with the high performance of the Cisco 10000 Series, revolutionizes the delivery of the edge services. This Cisco 10000 Series module is a high-capacity, high-performance interface that allows service providers to offer dedicated Internet access services, and peering to other service providers, at OC-3c/STM-1 rates (155 Mbps) on the Cisco 10000 Series. PoS allows Internet service providers (ISPs) to substantially increase the data load over their optical transport infrastructure. With its line-rate OC-3c/STM-1 capacity (155 Mbps), this Cisco 10000 Series module provides a powerful combination of scalability and flexibility. It also supports POS/SDH high-availability technology ideally suited for Internet and/or IP networks.

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